Thursday, November 25, 2010


Omg I am back here, errh temporarily.. I miss blogging and staring my laptop for hours but since my war had just begun i decided to get myself distanced away from my broadband and laptop. I am updating this using my phone, yep they actually charged it but since I am browsing this using my DigiEasy number and not using my postpaid, so yeah its freeeeeeee, :D only for today lah since I alrdy reached my daily limit whatsoever they called it. Cant seem to understand the plan and i dnt reli giv a damn so yeah. Hehe

talkin bout my current war, 3 papers down and 5 more to kill. So far so good, i hope to kill even better on the next paper XD I duwana jinx it so yeah. This is the only update you'll get about the exam.

life is been hmm ah its not the okay time to actually bring up the topic.. It's just fiine.

I am goin to launch my 'Megaa's Plan' that I have constructed for myself on this 15th of December.. Gimme some more time, i'll get you the greatest story to tell :)

Pray for my exam ah.

May Allah bless you :) have a great day people.Ttyl

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