Thursday, December 16, 2010

An odd habit of mine

I love to keep stuff that people would feel like dumping em into the rubbish bin when they lay their eyes on it. I am not saying that I am rubbish-keeper but I just simply love to keep those “rubbish” for memory purpose.. and not because I thought that it might be useful in future. XD Well it does, in a way.

To me, being able to remember simple stuff from the past by just throwing a simple glance at something random right now will eventually made my day. It is also a way for me to like.. remember things that I ever did, bought, been through, experienced and stuff.. since I am suffering from short term memory. I have tendency to forget things in an instant, so yea I have trouble having a tiny flashback from the past.. Its like when im in a group of my friends, and they were giggling about something that I can seem to remember so well.. those stuff that I keep will actually reminds me of the situation that they were talkin about. They will be like “ahh.. you bought this and broke the stuff.. u bought it and keep it. Remember?” And yes, its how they remind me.. by linking the situation and the stuff that I might keep. =P

there are some things that I keep and I dwell so much and ‘memaki’ about it when I look at em.. cause it reminds me of how stupid and immature I was being a kid, or a teen XD

And again, I love to keep stuff that was bought for me, doesn’t matter like a simple keychain from their holiday vacations, birthday present, tshirt, bracelets and stuff. You wont be seeing me around wearing or using it cause im afraid that I might loose it, broke it or something, so yeah I am keeping them in a place where I called as a ‘drawer for time traveler, back to the past’ XD If ada pun you people saw me wearing stuff that you gave me, I wont be wearing em too long lah cause I like to keep it rather den wearing it. Nnt rusak bah.. I know, its weird. Hehe

So yeah since I am pretty unemployed and decided to actually make startover for myself, I am sorting the stuff that I don’t need and for me to give away.. and stuff that I don’t really need and still want to keep. I started my mission, sorting stuff in my bedroom first. and my study room downstairs at some other day.. oooor maybe tonight. I am updating my weird collections.. And Yes if you wonder the immensity of “odd” I have stated earlier, it includes collecting chewing gum wrappers, movie tickets from 6years ago, tissue, errh recipt, and ada lah..Hehe. I am posting some of the photos. Well this is only a quarter of my odd collections. Take a look ;)

Err.. one of my diary. Gila i cant seem to remember how much i enjoy writing..
Fara ko ingt tu rose ka? hahaha!

Thal's form 2 photo set XD Makes me miss kartik,nana,carmen,grace,chloe,sandy,ky,churl and smua la. our form 2 memories :')

A bookmark that Yoon gave this when we're still in primary 5 =) Never use it. heheh

The small red keychain is a couple keychain actually but it looks cute so Farrah and I decided to buy it since it is soo kiut. begaduh ni kami sepa ambil the lady keychain. Since i looooove her sikit, so mengalah la. I took the dude keychain, dia ambil yg perempuan~ =P when was this?! cant rmbmr la.

the red bracelet was from Tracey if im not mistaken.. primary school XD Pun nda perna guna.

The small korean lady keychain was from michelle ka. she went to korea ntah bila =P laast time. nda perna guna. heheh

Never use em all juga. Heheh >;D

Dulu-dulu time zaman kmi primary school manada hp sms2. Jadi school holiday men tulis2 surat. bahaha! this letter was from my primary school bff, Yoon Pui Ling :')

Friendship day cards, from primary school til highschool pny.

Scrip frm the english drama team that i've joined last time

Hahahahahahahahaha some ex's stuff that I shouldnt be keeping XD

Faraaaaaaaaah ingat ni!? Hahahaahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhaah

Atiqah Izdihar Mokhtar! ingat ni surat kah? haha! time darjah 5 ka darjah 6 XD

Suzai I have something for you again, from the past~ =P

Thal!! Cant seem to remember that you actually evr gave me this piece of advice XD

Kartik gave me this.. hehehhehehehehehe XD

Heheheh, odd I know. bah klah
I guess that's all for now, ttyl.

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