Saturday, December 18, 2010

Happy faces of December :)

The wait for our war to be over is so worth it, finally i get to meet them after not seeing each other for so long. It was a very fun yet tiring outing but who cares. Sampai mengheret2 stand lg bgmbr and in a sea of people looking pun masi mo bgmbr. Yep trip tourist bah, heheheh >;D Paling sandi la in the middle of photoshooting tiba2 hujan kuat time panas terik gila babi. But sokay, at least we get to shoot some and shoot some more at other place. We should hang out more often. Shadel a.k.a abg kime, mmndgkan kau pi Jipun n Korea, kasi beli aku souvinier ok? aku mau snow, aku mau nickhun, aku mau MINHO (PALING WAJIB), seungho and cheondung OK? di jipun ko kasi beli lah aku lelaki2 kiut yg innocent goodboy lookin~ Ko tau jg type aku kan? =P

Anyways, Photos :)

I guess that's all for tonight. TTYL

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