Saturday, December 18, 2010

Who said moving on was ever that easy?

No, clearly its not easy. Never easy. Moving on from.. a whole bunch of aspect in life, doesnt matter in terms of things that you once love, the relationships, your passion, what you care and so much more. Well im trying to be more specific on what im saying here, its not easy moving on from the routine that you did and been doin it when it occupies you days. I mean its like you have to quit out of the sudden from the 'sleepless days where you have to worry that you that you've overslept, wasting too much time on tv and such' kind of life. I am accepting the fact already that it's already over n be cool with it.. but the hardest part here is when i am sorting all the books, papers and stuff to be given away or to keep. I am having hard time breaking up with them :') Yes. It took me a day to sort em all out, cause i went through em all lg one by one, and even smiled lookin at a tiny doodle i did :)

Ah well i am being too emotional these days.. (well actually mmg slalu pun hehe) So yeah i am planning to keep all my books and its not to be given away.. well if ada yg mo beli tu mesti yg pndai jaga lah~ :) I am moving out from my study room cause i wont be using it anymore, so mau kasi my sister since she's sitting for spm next year. So yea, mengemas2 kasi pinda barang la frm my room.


You guys will be safe up here, this cupboard is comfortable :')

My reminder board :) gonna put you down soon.

Ze time table.

My N97 flyer that i took 3 years ago. Planned to get it when im done with stpm. I have always wanted this for forever but tahan2 dulu til stpm over, cos nnt sms ja kerja instead of studying XD But maybe im chainging my mind la..

The studygroup timetable that we planned early of the year, yes its still on the board. Hehe

I constantly look at this when i almost give up =)

And this too.

Not missing this, at all heheh

Sweet victory.

Hahahahahaha menemani ku di saat mengantuk, sakit blkg, perut masuk angin pada malam hari. hahhaha!

P.A files, the hardest one to let go off. too much memories. bljr blk2 pun nda pndai A kan. hahaha malar b.

Treet treet, hehe

Yep my biting habit is helpless. smua pen n pencil pun jd mangsa.

Haha I guess that's all for now, right ya lah lps ni memblog lg ni hahaha

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