Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 7 : One Confession - But I have a few.


I guess you should change for better. Being socially awkward, absurd at most things, pushing most things away that you're not used to is just lame. You have an odd thinking that is holding you back most of the time. I guess its time to be better, in most things, at most field. Yes Megaa. You should change and feel brand new again.



It surprises me that you are not there when I need you so bad. When I am desperately in need of someone to talk to when I thought you'd be there for me. When I thought that the sky is falling and there i need you to talk about it. I dont know the reason why, I dont really want to know, not anymore. Its just that, i dont get it how you actually have the guts to ignore me when I am always there for you, and you never want to be there when i need you. You are still a friend but using me only when you need me makes you an ass cause it's obvious. Well, I am a loyal friend. You dont get to use me anymore and I dont have anything to loose. But I am still here if you need me that's for sure. Its just that you r probably out from the list if i were to ask who are those people you appreciate the most in life =)


Its funny how I still find you attractive although you are not, how I have some sort of feeling for you, how you make me unconsciously hope, how i can actually fall for someone like you. I can’t go on too much about this, though. I know it just isn’t right. I still think about you actually and i always find myself waiting for you although things are pretty awkward between us when we dont really have much things to say anymore. I miss how things were between us.. It feels wrong, but you just pop on my mind and stay until I find something else to distract me. That’s exactly why I avoid talking to you and even seeing you. I give in too easily. Well that’s about it. Since its almost new year and I were about to move on right now. Too bad your in my New Year's Resolution. I am closing the chapter of you.

So yeah.


I hope you will go through my blog and stalk me, i dont mind. I am 19, soon goin to be 20. Sad thing is that I am not able to make a decision for myself, which is just pathetic. I am not a 5 year old little kid who you used to piggyback and the kid that craves for vanilla icecream when you got back from work. That was me, 15 years back and I get that everything is up to you to make. But right now, i am far beyond capable to think what is right and what is not for me, and I guess now is the time for you to let go the same old picture of me as a little girl with teddybear that i used to carry everywhere. I know you love me so much that I get to have everything i want, even if i want the stars and moon up above, you'll get em for me. But right now, i wanna do things by myself. You dont get to choose everything for me, you dont have to decide anything for me anymore. I am far beyond pissed, mad, frustrated, irritated, annoyed and you-name-it right now.

Oh, I dont want Ip4. Who wants that piece of crap right now, i dont need it.

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