Thursday, December 30, 2010

Final days of December.

It had been a long time since I last posted a proper post in here. So yeah I am doin it today.. right here, right now. What am I up to? Yep just a regular hangout with friends, with thalia, farrah, michelle and all. And I went to some of my friends houses for Christmas Party, I had fun actually. Catching up with old friends and all. But ddnt get to catch up with my highschool friends, it is just sad. Anyways, my lack of update in here is because I dont really have pictures to tag along for the post. I havent been active camwhoring after my last major photoshoot with them shadel last november, and its the reason why i am at lost of what to put in this dull place. I dont really want to constantly come up with a long long post without pictures, its goin to be dull in here. I have been doin some outing with family too.. and my favorite activity to do with them issssss.... ROADTRIP! :) So yeah, roadtrip always comes out with photos and i am obviously excited with it cause I get 'go back to nature' and snap some mesmerizing and breathtaking scenery. Kadang2 bikin sedar jg ba kekuasaan Maha Pencipta.. beautiful calming scenery specially the sunset, sea, lagoon, the forest and all.. Anyways, some photos r up here. Just some yg ada muka ku ja la ya? XD

Us! Not a complete set of Us.

Trip kiut tp nda jadi, sad.

I wanna sit and stare at this for days, i wont get bored. really.

Little army or little gangsta?

Makan time. Gila jo nda sedap sini, jangan pegi.

Adip sleep-peeing, heheheh =P

Btw ddnt get to shoot alot cause an hour after we reached there, IT RAINED HEAVILY. So the 4hours ride isnt worth it. Damn oh, but sokay. Tmr ada roadtrip lagii :) Ah forgot to mention, we went to The Tip Of Borneo, Kudat.

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