Sekarang ni musim angau Hyun Bin ni. So yeah. I am not lusting for his appearance and all, cause he is defenietly not my type - like, at all. Skali bila tinguk dia blakon, kima. makes me wna scream 'GOD I WANT A BOYFRIEND LIKE THIS!!!!!!' Hahahahahha, yeah. Gentlemen gila, and romantic but since ada ego2 dia jd dia gentlemen jerk-ish but i like his effort when he likes someone. gila oh, bgs ko kejar aku la.. lg aku jual mahal cause i am looking forward for moves you could do to win my heart! ahahahhaa Kalau blh, sakit jantung aku ni ba ke-angauan, ke-hanyutan dan ke- segala-galanya la watching this drama. Nasib ada mincai kwn aku excited! ahahahha. Haish, memandangkan tahun baru, God kasi aku boyfriend gini ya? Hahahahahaha! Damn oh, watching korean drama and listening to their songs make you go so dreamy about reality. But i like it, happy ja. Mcm ko sedih2 tp ada imaginary bf, imaginary happy life you choose, imaginary of fun things u imaginary-ly did and somethin you look forward to the next day. Which is >> menunggu habis loading drama!!! Hehe, sad kan? but im happy this way so leave me. LOL mcm pesakit mental ja bckp =P
My point here is... tengok lah Secret Garden. =)

Paling mahal bila Jo Woon (Hyun Bin) jealous XD <3 <3 <3

... bila dia concern and care but ddnt directly show it that he cares.. dia bikin lg gaya kin panas.. :')

and when he annoyingly tried to kiss Ra Im.. Ahhhhhhhh~~ XD !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bah tgk la ni, sy episode 12 sdah. hihi
Don't tell me you stream them all the way. O.o
Hehe yeah i stream them all the way. im on ep 15 now, waiting for the new ep to be out XD
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