Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Im too lazy to name this post.

Since I have dady issue that he doesn't allow me to actually get a real job on this cruel and dangerous world outside, I actually have plenty time doin idk-what for myself. Well I kinda sort off enjoy my routine, cause.. i mean it was okay for me. Its acceptable, rather than staying on bed for the whooole day consuming fats around my gigantic but cute body.

Anyways, usually I'll be up early in the morning and send off my sister to school, and then Ill jog around Tmn Rimba after that (If i tida lazy lah.) Or if somethin comes up ill just jog on the evening. But if all else fails i'll just do some light workout but I doubled it - for an hour. Skipping, cycling and dumbell-ing at dad's mini gym at home. I must sweat in a day, like MUST. Its in my new year resolution XD
Later den, ill be cooking for the rest and for my 11 obese cats at home. and after that ill take my sister from school aaand there the house chores to-do-list begun. It was tiring like hell.

I am just trying to earn money but I couldnt come up with any better idea. I mean yea money isnt really the problem and I can just ask dad for it, but the thing is, im 20 dude. Does it nice to look like a spoil brat asking money this and that from dad? NO, dude. So yea my brother suggested me to actually bake and sell em off, or start teaching kids around the neighbourhood again like what i did 2 years ago. But for now maybe im goin for the first one. Since I will ended up downgrading myself to their age whenever I am with kids...

I was so frustrated actually that i planned to go for a baking class somewher around kk at first but then I found it that the place was closed. So yea I thought the idea was off frm the list. But then again, last sunday while camera-surveying with my family in karam, farrah's mom actually called me and asked me to go some place to learn how to bake. I was like wth i wasnt mentally physically emotionally prepared for baking. After purchasing the new baby [Canon550d!!!!!!=D] I was kidnapped to a place and quarantine for hours.

So yea my plan is to sell out cupcakes but I guess i am goin to need some practice first. And after im okay with cupcakes, i wanna learn how to bake muffin and cookies. I guess I am done ranting, photos =D

Oh yea I made that =D

Cute kan the colours? but it isnt as neat as I wish it to be. Practice makes perfect. I am an amateur baker, so yea :)

Anyways, welcome home new baby! And yep since my brother knows best about all the gadgets, he decided to pick Canon over Nikon. Biar la, bad news is we have to share. Sharing isnt that fun, but biar la. I am only goin to use it sometimes since i am busy with all of these unemployed activities XD



Subaiii said...

OH MY FREAKIN GOSH U HAVE A NEW BABY!!! ;D!! I feel super excited for u bebeh!! hahahahaha! And daym those muffin looks so sedap...

Megaa. said...

Not 100% mine, my abg pny =( I gadu with him ba now, so sad i cant use it. its been um 4days. Old baby sj la hrpn n pengubat duka :')
Ill bring the cupcake whenevr we jumpa if im making them at the nearest time la >:D

Clairebear ♥ said...


Subaiii said...

Alaa.. make peace with ur bro! XD u guys pny fight is not that bad ba jg kn? klu ya pun, old baby masi ok wat. Stupid kuaci, now we hv indian and chinese baker. It's even better now. >:D hahahahaha..