Tuesday, January 25, 2011


My muffin is a success! >:D
Ive been practicing cupcakes and the sponge cake tastes okay, so yea ive moved on to muffin. My first attempt was a failure, I am having hard time to differentiate what is butter and mentega .. and the funny thing is that butter and mentega is a same thing. Butter is mentega, like seriously. Lol.
I use planta, sorta thought it would work. but nah, First attempt ; a failure. My muffin turns erh really wet on the papercup and tastes aweful. And yea, my brother was LOL-ing at my odd muffin -.-

Second attempt, failed too. I sorta thought that all flours are just the same. Nope they dont. and idk, it ddnt mix well with the strawbery cheese mixture that Im putting. So yea, it coagulates to a semi solid errh substance? Failed.

I almost gave up with muffin, I lay down on the couch and staring into blank spaces on the ceiling.. the light to be exact. Trus... teringat Teacher Muhammad with his same old Thomas Edison jokes about giving up. LOL thats the funniest part, out of nowhere muka cigu Muhammad and his jokes showed up. -.-'

3rd attempt was today, afternoon tadi. Jadi lah jg, it tastes okay XD

Well yeah, it looks like how it supposed to look like on the internet XD But it didnt 'raise' well, its because I only place a little amount of the dough in the cup. So yea I guess thats why. I am seriously a sucker for cakes with fruity taste. Just imagine how I go hyper and got addicted over Farrah's mom mango cheese cakes. T_T Yea anything tastes like strawberry and orange and mango seriously taste like heaven. Sorry for the low quality picture, im using my phone to capture this.

Oh this is, chocolate cheese strawberry muffin (:

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