Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 18 : Your Beliefs

My one and only Almighty God of course. There is no God Except Allah S.W.T and Muhammad is His messenger.
I dont believe in superstitions, horoscopes, lucks. I'm trying to believe the existence of destiny and fate.
I believe that animals and humans are of equal value. You have no right to harm just because you think yr capable to. Life is life.
Everything happens for a reason is just crap.
Sometimes, things just.. happen.
Soulmate. Although I havent found mine yet, I belive that there are someone out there who would want to accept my flaws and things that I never like about myself.
The one you're happily with right now is unnecessarily your soulmate.
I believe that my cat understands what I'm rattling about when I have no one to talk to.
I believe in bad karma. Good karma never happens to me, just yet.
Commiting yourself with a bunch of famous people who dont even know or care of your existance.. Yes, sad.
PEACE, no war.
Lust at first sight, its never... love.
Being evil, sometimes you have no choice.
I believe that no human can judge another. We're trying so hard to be different, but at the end of the day, we're just the same.
I believe in good intentions, but I doubt it at times.
I believe in education as the only way to better people’s lives, and the lives of all.
And yes, love's unexpected.

I guess these are the only thing I can think off right now.

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