Monday, February 28, 2011


I've been bed-less for 2 months already. Yes bed-less as in I'm not sleeping on bed since it's broken into two, great.
My dad went into my room yesterday to check on my bedroom window to see if the lock is still functioning and all since our neighborhood isnt really the safest place anymore(cause neighbour's house been robbed few days ago)
So yeah.

And I've been hiding this bed for couple of months, not until yesterday.
He was like
"Why dont you just tell me!? So all these while you've been sleeping on the floor!?"
"I'll buy for you one tomorrow! Haih, like homeless people only."
"How you goin to sleep that way? It's like half of your body is being pulled and the other way is still up. You're goin to fall to the floor all the time"
"I've been sleeping on the floor.. with the mattress. Its comfy"
"I dont know, Just call anyone to fix it! I love this bed"

So yeah, cant wait for it to be fixed XD
It's not that I dont want a new bed.. but.. Idk how to explain it, sayang ba ko buang barang if it can still be fixed.
I dont know what this to you people la but yeah, I cant just throw stuff away and I dont know why.. XD

AND no, not because I'm too heavy that the bed couldn't support me OK. Lol XD
It's because of the lil kid I babysat last December.
Yes she's really really really hyperactive and talks waaaaaaaaay too much. She jumps here and there and asks waaaaaay too much too.

This one.

Seeing all her pictures with crazy and adorable poses make me miss her even more :'(

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