Monday, February 28, 2011

Now what?

Well right now is just a kind of phrase where I dont go lusting or crushing over anybody, so yea I admit its pretty dull. But its normal actually cause this thing is like a cycle, there are times where you go lusting over someone you'll never ever get and got so excited over the top when he threw a simple glance at you. And there are times when your feeling is obviously mutual towards all humans around the globe. Well the cycle is back to square one now, yes square one.

Talking about results, not that satisfied actually and I couldve done better. But life must goes on, at least I get to enter U with that result la. Not gonna dwell and think so much about it. I shall move on. I must move on.

And what's major here is I still dont know what I want and would want to take up next.

Lame much.

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